AQM Tipu Sultan Eiko

109/B Baruntek,Dhaka Cantonment · (+880)1515-210082 ·

I am a fast learner and key team player. Problem solving is one of my specialty. I am Always up for new challenges. I want to work in an environment where I will have the opportunity to grow myself and face new challenges. I also like to work in a place where I get to learn new things every now and then.


Software Developer

Mostly used technologies are Laravel, AWS, Docker, RabbitMQ, Jenkin and Linux.

April 2022 -

Software Engineer

Mostly used technologies are Laravel, AWS, Docker, Python, Django, Vue and Linux.

Dec 2020 - April 2022

Software Engineer

Mostly used technologies are Laravel, AWS.

June 2021 - 2022

Backend Developer

Mostly used technologies are Laravel, PHP, Serverless, AWS, Django.

Aug 2020 - Nov 2020

Team Lead (Contract)

Mostly used technologies are Laravel, Vue .

Sept 2020 - Nov 2020

Web Developer

A great start to my career path. Build many websites for this company. Mostly used technologies are PHP, HTML,CSS,XAMPP,MYSQL,JS and Wordpress.

May 2019 - June 2020

Intern Developer

A web developmwnt it platform with many potentials. Has advantage of working with side-by-side with many it professionals and develop myself.

Oct 2017 - Jan 2018


Bangladesh University of Professionals

Masters of Science
Information and Communication Engineering
January 2019 -

Bangladesh University of Professionals

Bachelor of Science
Information and Communication Engineering

GPA: 2.95/4

2015 - 2018

BAF Shaheen College Dhaka

Higher School Certificate
Dhaka Board

GPA: 5/5

2012 - 2014

BAF Shaheen College Dhaka

Secondary School Certificate
Dhaka Board

GPA: 5/5

2000 - 2011

Professional Courses

AT Computer & Solutions Ltd.

CISCO Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
CCNA Routing and Switching
June 2019 - August 2019


Programming Languages & Tools
  • C
  • OOP C++
  • Web Hosting

Interests and Goals

My current, short-term goal is to develop and use my skills in a job like. However, I eventually want to develop into a position that allows me to continue to use these skills while also managing a group. I will prepare myself for this goal by taking on leadership positions in team projects, and by developing my professional career by any means necessary.

When forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, I am an aspiring chef, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the current world.


We Are Marcus

Laravel, Vue, AWS

SASS SPA Education Platform for We are Marcus.


Django, Vue, AWS

SPA NGO Management Platform for Center For Independence of the Disabled, New York.


Django, Vue, AWS

SASS SPA NGO Management Platform.

Urban Era Ltd

Laravel, Vue, AWS

Ecommerce Platform with affiliate program.

iQuantile Emptrack

Laravel, Livewire

Employee tracker system, a subsection of erp.

ISP Management System

Laravel, Axios

ISP Management System For Essence IT.

Arcade Studios API

PHP, Django, Laravel, Serverless, AWS

Different kind of api and serverless functions development and used lambda to host to AWS.

Arcade Studios Websites

PHP, Wordpress

Various Portfolio , Ecommerce and Game Listing websites for this company. such as 3D Tools, APK Gamers Club, Company Portfolio and more.

Club Co-ordinator

A great family inside my university. As my nearly 2 years in this club we have organized many events and workshops. A very helpful hand of each others make everyone improve together.

2017 - 2019

Student Member

IEEE branch regularly organized events and various seminars. This platform helps also to connect in other IEEE associate branches and learn more.

2017 - 2019

Student Member

Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) is the national trade body for Software & IT Enabled Service industry of Bangladesh. Established in 1997, the association has been working with a vision of developing vibrant software & IT service industry in the country.

2017 -